Requirements: All Android Version
Overview: Here's a one-click root with almost all phones and all android versions. (including the i9000, Droid, Nexus One, etc)
The program requires Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0+ or Mono v1.2.6+
Operations systems with native support:
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- Ubuntu Hardy (8.04 LTS)
- Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)
- Ubuntu Karmic (9.10)
- Ubuntu Lucid (10.04 LTS)
- Ubuntu Maverick (10.10)
- Debian Lenny (5.0)
- Debian Squeeze (testing)
- Debian Sid (unstable)
- Debian Experimental
If you run Microsoft Windows XP, install .NET Framework v2.0 or above
If you run Mac or another Linux flavor, make sure you install Mono:
You NEED to put your phone on USB Debugging mode
You NEED to install make sure the Android drivers for your phone are installed
Make sure you DO NOT mount your SD card.
If you still can't get something to run, try doing it in recovery mode.
Great news. -1Day roots AT&T Motorola Atrix4G!!! YAY!
I'm Sorry I haven't been updating lately!!! The problem is, I no longer have an Android phone and I can't play around or test anymore. I'm going to see if I can find one on craiglist or ebay.
I finally figured out how to root without looping. After rooting 13 phones, this is how I did it on the first try.
Turn USB Debugging OFF
Click Root
When it says: Waiting for Device, Turn USB Debugging ON
It'll now run RATC
When it says: Starting ADB Server...
Turn USB Debugging OFF
Turn USB Debugging ON
Turn USB Debugging OFF
All BEFORE it says "Waiting for device..." again
Hey guys! I'm Sorry I haven't been able to respond to lots of posts. I've been really busy lately with work. I've been reading some posts and I've made some changes in v1.5.2
Let me know what bugs and issues you guys have.
Thanks to all that donated! I was worried for a bit but you guys proved me wrong. So, I fixed the NMA (non market apps) button. It should now install sqlite3 and busybox into a temporary folder if you don't have it. I added an unroot (by popular demand). I did some major code clean up, so you can expect faster releases from here on out. Next version will add sqlite3 and busybox to the /system partition included in root.
If you're having issues with "wait for device" or if RATC is looping, try this
Unplug your USB Cable
Go to Settings > Applications > Development
Uncheck USB Debugging
Plug in your USB Cable
Unplug your USB Cable
Check USB Debugging
Plug in your USB Cable
I need people with issues to post their device model and if they tried rooting in recovery mode. All posts ignoring the read me will be ignored. (meaning nma complaints and those NAND locked devices).
I'm getting flooded with replies, PMs and emails. Seriously, try reading a few posts back.
The program has been downloaded over 5000 times and only 2 people have have donated. I see donations as signs of gratitude. Even if it's 25 cents, please donate.
When I find the time (and will) I will work on the v1.5 release.
The rageagainstthecage looping is by design. Bad usb cables and ports can cause ratc to not run properly so I have it loop until it works. The "waiting for device" hang is for the same reason. There's nothing wrong with my application. It's usually your usb cable or port. This is not a cop-out answer. This is not an excuse as if I didn't know why it happens. This has been investigated and the problem is USB connectivity. It happens with my Captivate as well.
Enabling market apps isn't working unless you have busybox installed. I plan to fix this in the next version. The problem is, different devices have different locations for the and I was using the 'find' command to find your settings.db location. I didn't realize this was a busybox command not internal. That will be fixed.
I also added some information about root that I think people should read and classified different root levels.
By classifying root levels, I make it easier for the users to know if certain options will work or not. For example, enabling non-market apps will only require a Level 1 root, meaning it will work with the HTC Aria
Compatibility list
Please note that if you device is not listed here, it doesn't automatically make it incompatible. The list is definitely incomplete.
- Acer Liquid Metal
- Dell Streak
- HTC Magic (Sapphire) 32B
- HTC Bee
- LG Ally
- Motorola Atrix4G
- Motorola Charm
- Motorola Cliq
- Motorola Droid
- Motorola Flipside
- Motorola Flipout
- Motorola Milestone
- Nexus One
- Samsung Captivate
- Samsung Galaxy 551 (GT-I5510)
- Samsung Galaxy Portal/Spica I5700
- Samsung Galaxy S 4G
- Samsung Galaxy S I9000
- Samsung Galaxy S SCH-I500
- Samsung Galaxy Tab
- Samsung Transform M920
- Samsung Vibrant
- Sony Ericsson Xperia E51i X8
- Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
- Sprint Hero
- Telus Fascinate
- Toshiba Folio 100
Incompatibility list
With the absolutely beautiful ADB exploit I use, titled rageagainstthecage (ratc), absolute ALL devices can be rooted. This is because it exploit is ADB which all devices use. There is an issue though. Some devices have a NAND lock which does not allow you to write to the /system mount. Because of this, you can't copy su, sqlite or busybox to /system/bin. This creates some issues but there is a work around. For things that don't need access to /system (like enabling non-market apps) I can use the ratc exploit to make those changes. If your device cannot use su in /system/bin then you can simple select a checkbox (as of v1.5) that says to use ratc.
There are 3 levels of "root" we can define:
Level 1: Shell Root (with ratc rooting the adb shell but no /system write access)
Level 2: Temporary Root (/system/bin/su installed but lost on reboot)
Level 3: Full Root (/system/bin/su installed and sticks)
Some devices have a NAND lock. SuperOneClick will only give a Shell root until you remove this lock.
The following phones can use to remove this lock:
- Sprint EVO 4G (HTC Supersonic)
- Droid Incredible (HTC Incredible)
- HTC Desire GSM
- HTC Desire CDMA (HTC BravoC)
- HTC Aria
- Droid Eris (HTC DesireC)
- HTC Wildfire (HTC Buzz)
THe HTC Legend and My Touch 3G 32A also have a NAND lock and need more specific methods to unlock.
The T-Mobile (HTC) G2 has something different which may or may not be a hardware flaw. I have yet to really research the device, but while it may root, it won't be permanent since copying /su to /system/bin/su has problems. I believe this is a Level 2 root, but to be honest, I need to research more.
All other devices has a Level 3 root via SuperOneClick
Development Plan:
Scheduled for next major release
- Linux support via mono-project
- Add a check box to use su or rageagainstthecage for other scripts (like Enable NMA)
- Better error handling for devices with NAND lock on /system
- Have options show what level root is needed (0,1,2,3)
To do list:
- Jupiter fixes
- Custom scripts support
- Plugin support
- Mac support via mono-project
- Linux support via mono-project
- None
I need a mac/linux user to help me. PM so we can chat on AIM/Google
Courtesy of, here's a step-by-step video:
Mod Edit: this app will set off some anti virus's a small explanation by pulser_g2:
*All credits to CLShortFuse.
Download Instructions:
Mirrors :
My ATRIX 4G will not root. Tried and tried but not able to. No donation.